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Multi Sudoku: Free Classic Sudoku Games with a Twist


Multi Sudoku Free Download: How to Play and Where to Find It

If you love sudoku, you might want to try multi sudoku, a challenging and fun variation of the classic number puzzle game. Multi sudoku is a type of sudoku that consists of more than one grid, overlapping each other in different configurations. It requires more logic, concentration, and patience than regular sudoku, but it also offers more satisfaction and enjoyment.

In this article, you will learn what multi sudoku is, how to play it, and where to find it for free download. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something useful and interesting in this guide. So, let's get started!

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What is Multi Sudoku?

Multi sudoku is a general term for any sudoku puzzle that has more than one grid. The grids can overlap in various ways, creating different shapes and patterns. The most common types of multi sudoku are:

  • Samurai sudoku: This is a multi sudoku with five grids, arranged in a cross shape. The four corner grids are 9x9, and the central grid is 9x9 as well, but it overlaps with the other four grids by 3x3.

  • Double sudoku: This is a multi sudoku with two grids, overlapping by 3x3 or 4x4.

  • Triple sudoku: This is a multi sudoku with three grids, overlapping by 3x3.

  • Quad sudoku: This is a multi sudoku with four grids, overlapping by 3x3.

There are also other types of multi sudoku, such as windoku, hypodoku, butterfly sudoku, flower sudoku, and so on. Each type has its own rules and characteristics, but they all share the same basic principle: each grid must be solved according to the standard sudoku rules, and the overlapping regions must be consistent across all grids.

The History of Multi Sudoku

The origin of multi sudoku is not clear, but it is believed that it was inspired by the original sudoku puzzle, which was invented by Howard Garns, an American architect and freelance puzzle constructor, in 1979. He called it Number Place, and it was first published in Dell Magazines in the US.

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The puzzle became popular in Japan in the 1980s, where it was renamed as sudoku, which means "single number" in Japanese. It was then introduced to the rest of the world in the early 2000s, thanks to Wayne Gould, a retired Hong Kong judge who developed a computer program to generate sudoku puzzles.

The first multi sudoku puzzle was probably created by Nick Deller, a British puzzle designer who published a samurai sudoku in The Times in 2005. Since then, many other types of multi sudoku have been developed and published in various newspapers, magazines, books, websites, and apps.

The Benefits of Playing Multi Sudoku

Playing multi sudoku can have many benefits for your brain and your mood. Here are some of them:

  • It improves your logic and reasoning skills. Solving multi sudoku requires you to apply deductive reasoning and eliminate possibilities based on the given clues. You also need to use spatial awareness and pattern recognition to visualize the grids and their overlaps.

  • It enhances your memory and concentration. Solving multi sudoku requires you to remember the numbers and their positions in the grids and their overlaps. You also need to focus on the puzzle and avoid distractions.

  • It reduces your stress and anxiety. Solving multi sudoku can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity that can help you calm your mind and release tension. It can also boost your mood and self-esteem by giving you a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

  • It prevents cognitive decline and dementia. Solving multi sudoku can keep your brain active and healthy, especially as you age. It can stimulate your brain cells and prevent them from degenerating. It can also delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia by improving your mental agility and flexibility.

The Different Types of Multi Sudoku

As mentioned earlier, there are many types of multi sudoku, each with its own rules and characteristics. Here are some examples of the most popular ones:




Samurai sudoku

A multi sudoku with five grids, arranged in a cross shape. The four corner grids are 9x9, and the central grid is 9x9 as well, but it overlaps with the other four grids by 3x3.

Double sudoku

A multi sudoku with two grids, overlapping by 3x3 or 4x4.

Triple sudoku

A multi sudoku with three grids, overlapping by 3x3.

Quad sudoku

A multi sudoku with four grids, overlapping by 3x3.


A multi sudoku with four extra 3x3 regions marked by thicker lines. The numbers in these regions must also be unique.


A multi sudoku with four extra 3x3 regions marked by dashed lines. The numbers in these regions must also be unique.

Butterfly sudoku

A multi sudoku with four grids, arranged in a butterfly shape. The two upper grids are 9x9, and the two lower grids are 6x6, but they overlap with the upper grids by 3x6.

Flower sudoku

A multi sudoku with six grids, arranged in a flower shape. The central grid is 9x9, and the five petal grids are 6x6, but they overlap with the central grid by 3x6.

How to Play Multi Sudoku

The basic rules of multi sudoku are the same as regular sudoku: you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9 (or 1 to 6 for some smaller grids), so that each row, column, and 3x3 region (or 2x3 or 3x2 for some smaller grids) contains each number exactly once. The difference is that you have to do this for more than one grid, and you have to make sure that the overlapping regions are consistent across all grids.

For example, if you have a samurai sudoku, you have to solve five grids at the same time, and the central grid overlaps with the four corner grids by 3x3. This means that the numbers in the overlapping regions must be the same in both grids. For example, if the top-left cell of the central grid is 5, then the bottom-right cell of the top-left grid must also be 5.

To play multi sudoku, you need to use a combination of logic and trial and error. You can start by looking for clues in the given numbers, such as singles, pairs, triples, and so on. You can also use techniques such as scanning, marking, elimination, and grouping. You can find more details about these techniques in this [guide].

However, sometimes you may encounter situations where you have to guess or make assumptions. This is especially true for harder puzzles or puzzles with fewer clues. In this case, you can use pencil marks or notes to keep track of your possibilities and test them out. If you find a contradiction or an error, you can backtrack and try another option.

The Tips and Tricks for Solving Multi Sudoku

Solving multi sudoku can be challenging and frustrating, but it can also be rewarding and fun. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your skills and enjoy the game more:

  • Start with the easiest grid. Usually, this is the grid with the most clues or the smallest size. By solving this grid first, you can get more information and eliminate more possibilities for the other grids.

  • Focus on the overlapping regions. These are the key areas that connect the grids and affect each other. By filling in these regions first, you can create more opportunities and constraints for the other regions.

  • Use colors or symbols to mark your candidates. This can help you visualize and organize your options better. For example, you can use different colors for different grids, or different symbols for different types of candidates (such as singles, pairs, triples, etc.).

  • Check your progress frequently. This can help you avoid mistakes and spot errors early. You can use online tools or apps that can check your answers and highlight your mistakes. You can also use logic or math to verify your solutions.

  • Take breaks and relax. Solving multi sudoku can be mentally exhausting and stressful, so it is important to take breaks and relax your mind. You can do something else that you enjoy, such as listening to music, reading a book, or playing another game. You can also stretch your body and drink some water to refresh yourself.

The Common Mistakes to Avoid in Multi Sudoku

Solving multi sudoku can also be prone to errors and mistakes, especially if you are not careful or attentive enough. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid when playing multi sudoku:

  • Ignoring the overlapping regions. This is one of the most common and fatal mistakes that can ruin your puzzle. If you forget or neglect the overlapping regions, you may end up with inconsistent or impossible solutions.

  • Mixing up the grids or regions. This is another common mistake that can cause confusion and frustration. If you mix up the grids or regions, you may end up with wrong numbers or misplaced candidates.

  • Overlooking clues or candidates. This is a mistake that can make your puzzle harder or unsolvable. If you overlook clues or candidates, you may miss opportunities or constraints that can help you solve the puzzle.

  • Guessing randomly or blindly. This is a mistake that can waste your time and energy. If you guess randomly or blindly, you may end up with contradictions or errors that can force you to start over.

  • Not checking your answers or solutions. This is a mistake that can prevent you from completing or enjoying your puzzle. If you do not check your answers or solutions, you may not notice your mistakes or errors until it is too late.

Where to Find Multi Sudoku Free Download

If you want to play multi sudoku, you don't have to buy a book or a magazine. You can find many sources of multi sudoku free download online, both as apps and as websites. Here are some of the best ones that you can try:

The Best Apps for Multi Sudoku Free Download

There are many apps that offer multi sudoku puzzles for free download on your smartphone or tablet. You can enjoy playing them anytime and anywhere, with features such as hints, notes, timer, statistics, and more. Here are some of the best apps for multi sudoku free download:

MultiSudoku: Samurai Puzzles by Conceptis Ltd.

This app is one of the most popular and highly rated apps for multi sudoku. It offers thousands of samurai sudoku puzzles in different difficulty levels, from easy to expert. You can also create your own puzzles and share them with other users. The app has a user-friendly interface, with options such as pencil marks, undo, redo, auto-fill, and more. You can also customize the appearance of the app, such as the colors, fonts, and sounds. The app is free to download, but it contains ads and in-app purchases.

You can download the app from [here]. - classic sudoku by Easybrain

This app is another popular and highly rated app for multi sudoku. It offers hundreds of multi sudoku puzzles in different types, such as double sudoku, triple sudoku, windoku, hypodoku, and more. You can also play regular sudoku puzzles in different difficulty levels, from easy to hard. The app has a simple and elegant interface, with features such as hints, eraser, notes, highlight duplicates, and more. You can also track your progress and achievements with statistics and leaderboards. The app is free to download, but it contains ads and in-app purchases.

You can download the app from [here].

Microsoft Sudoku by Microsoft Corporation

This app is a new and improved version of the classic Microsoft Sudoku game. It offers a variety of multi sudoku puzzles in different types, such as samurai sudoku, quad sudoku, butterfly sudoku, flower sudoku, and more. You can also play regular sudoku puzzles in different difficulty levels, from easy to expert. The app has a modern and sleek interface, with features such as hints, notes, themes, daily challenges, and more. You can also sync your game across devices with your Microsoft account. The app is free to download, but it contains ads and in-app purchases.

You can download the app from [here].

The Best Websites for Multi Sudoku Free Download

There are also many websites that offer multi sudoku puzzles for free download on your computer or browser. You can enjoy playing them online or offline, with features such as print, save, check, solve, and more. Here are some of the best websites for multi sudoku free download:

Web Sudoku

This website is one of the most popular and visited websites for multi sudoku. It offers millions of multi sudoku puzzles in different types, such as samurai sudoku, double sudoku, triple sudoku, quad sudoku, and more. You can also play regular sudoku puzzles in different difficulty levels, from easy to evil. The website has a simple and clean interface, with features such as timer, pencil marks, undo, redo, and more. You can also print or save your puzzles as PDF files. The website is free to use, but it contains ads and offers a premium membership for more features and puzzles.

You can visit the website from [here].

Daily Sudoku

This website is another popular and visited website for multi sudoku. It offers thousands of multi sudoku puzzles in different types, such as samurai sudoku, windoku, hypodoku, butterfly sudoku, flower sudoku, and more. You can also play regular sudoku puzzles in different difficulty levels, from easy to diabolical. The website has a colorful and attractive interface, with features such as hints, notes, themes, statistics, and more. You can also print or save your puzzles as PDF files. The website is free to use, but it contains ads and offers a subscription for more features and puzzles.

You can visit the website from [here].

Killer Sudoku Online

This website is a specialized website for killer sudoku, a type of multi sudoku that involves cages and sums. It offers hundreds of killer sudoku puzzles in different difficulty levels, from gentle to deadly. You can also play other types of multi sudoku puzzles, such as samurai killer sudoku, double killer sudoku, triple killer sudoku, quad killer sudoku, and more. The website has a minimalist and elegant interface, with features such as auto-fill, undo, redo, check, solve, and more. You can also print or save your puzzles as PDF files. The website is free to use, but it contains ads and offers a donation for more features and puzzles.

You can visit the website from [here].


Multi sudoku is a challenging and fun variation of the classic number puzzle game. It consists of more than one grid, overlapping each other in different configurations. It requires more logic, concentration, and patience than regular sudoku, but it also offers more satisfaction and enjoyment.

In this article, you learned what multi sudoku is, how to play it, and where to find it for free download. You also learned some tips and tricks for solving multi sudoku, and some common mistakes to avoid when playing multi sudoku.

Now that you have read this article, you are ready to play multi sudoku and have fun with it. You can choose from many types of multi sudoku puzzles, such as samurai sudoku, double sudoku, triple sudoku, quad sudoku, windoku, hypodoku, butterfly sudoku, flower sudoku, and more. You can also find many sources of multi sudoku free download online, both as apps and as websites.

So, what are you waiting for? Download your favorite multi sudoku app or visit your favorite multi sudoku website and start playing now. You will not regret it!

Summary of the Main Points

Here is a summary of the main points of this article:

  • Multi sudoku is a type of sudoku that consists of more than one grid, overlapping each other in different configurations.

  • Multi sudoku requires more logic, concentration, and patience than regular sudoku, but it also offers more satisfaction and enjoyment.

  • Multi sudoku can improve your logic, memory, concentration, mood, and brain health.

  • Multi sudoku has many types, such as samurai sudoku, double sudoku, triple sudoku, quad sudoku, windoku, hypodoku, butterfly sudoku, flower sudoku, and more.

  • Multi sudoku has the same basic rules as regular sudoku, but you have to make sure that the overlapping regions are consistent across all grids.

  • Multi sudoku can be solved by using a combination of logic and trial and error, with techniques such as scanning, marking, elimination, and grouping.

  • Multi sudoku can be found for free download online, both as apps and as websites.

Call to Action

If you enjoyed this article and found it helpful, please share it with your friends and family who might also be interested in multi sudoku. You can also leave a comment below and let us know what you think about multi sudoku. We would love to hear from you!


Here are some frequently asked questions about multi sudoku:

Q: How hard is multi sudoku?

A: The difficulty of multi sudoku depends on several factors, such as the type of multi sudoku, the number of grids, the size of the grids, the number of clues, and the level of complexity. Generally speaking, multi sudoku is harder than regular sudoku because it involves more grids and more constraints. However, some types of multi sudoku may be easier than others. For example, double sudoku may be easier than samurai sudoku because it has fewer grids and less overlap.

Q: How long does it take to solve a multi sudoku puzzle?

A: The time it takes to solve a multi sudoku puzzle depends on several factors, such as your skill level, your experience, your strategy, your speed, and the difficulty of the puzzle. Generally speaking, multi sudoku puzzles take longer to solve than regular sudoku puzzles because they involve more grids and more constraints. However, some types of multi sudoku puzzles may take less time than others. For example, windoku may take less time than samurai sudoku because it has fewer grids and more clues.

There is no definitive answer to how long it takes to solve a multi sudoku puzzle, but you can estimate it by using this formula: time = (number of grids x number of cells x difficulty factor) / (speed factor x experience factor). For example, if you are solving a samurai sudoku puzzle with 369 cells and a difficulty factor of 3, and you have a speed factor of 2 and an experience factor of 1.5, then the estimated time is: time = (5 x 369 x 3) / (2 x 1.5) = 1845 / 3 = 615 seconds or about 10 minutes.

Q: What is the difference between multi sudoku and jigsaw sudoku?

A: Multi sudoku and jigsaw sudoku are two different types of sudoku variations. Multi sudoku is a type of sudoku that consists of more than one grid, overlapping each other in different configurations. Jigsaw sudoku is a type of sudoku that has irregularly shaped regions instead of the standard 3x3 regions. Jigsaw sudoku can also be considered as a type of multi sudoku, if it has more than one grid. For example, jigsaw samurai sudoku is a type of multi sudoku that has five grids arranged in a cross shape, with irregularly shaped regions in each grid.

Q: How many solutions does a multi sudoku puzzle have?

A: A multi sudoku puzzle should have only one unique solution, just like a regular sudoku puzzle. However, some multi sudoku puzzles may have more than one solution, either by design or by mistake. This can happen if the puzzle is not well constructed or if it has too few clues or too many symmetries. A multi sudoku puzzle with more than one solution is considered invalid or unsolvable.

Q: How do I create my own multi sudoku puzzle?

A: Creating your own multi sudoku puzzle can be a fun and creative activity. You can use online tools or apps that can generate multi sudoku puzzles for you, or you can create them manually by following these steps:

  • Choose the type and size of your multi sudoku puzzle. For example, you can choose samurai sudoku with five 9x9 grids.

  • Draw the grids and the overlapping regions on a paper or a computer program. Make sure that the grids are aligned and that the overlapping regions are consistent.

  • Fill in some numbers in the grids randomly or according to a pattern. Make sure that each grid follows the standard sudoku rules, and that the overlapping regions are consistent across all grids.

  • Remove some numbers from the grids to create clues. Make sure that there is only one unique solution to the puzzle, and that there are enough clues to make the puzzle solvable.

  • Test your puzzle by trying to solve it yourself or by using online tools or apps that can check your solution.

Q: Where can I learn more about multi sudoku?

A: If you want to learn more about multi sudoku, you can visit these websites:

  • [Sudoku Wiki]: This website has detailed information and tutorials on various types of multi sudoku puzzles, such as samurai sudoku, double sudoku, triple sudoku, quad sudoku, windoku, hypodoku, butterfly sudoku, flower sudoku, and more.

  • [Conceptis Puzzles]: This website has hundreds of free multi sudoku puzzles in different types and difficulty levels, such as samurai puzzles, double puzzles, triple puzzles, quad puzzles, windoku puzzles, hypodoku puzzles, butterfly puzzles, flower puzzles, and more.

  • []: This website has a blog that features articles and tips on various topics related to multi sudoku, such as how to play multi sudoku, how to solve multi sudoku, how to create multi sudoku, and more.

I hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy puzzling! 44f88ac181


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