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KOBOLD: Chapter I Crack - Face an Ancient Evil in VR

The Kobold Necromancer, labeled The Lord of Total Drama Fanfiction, is the author of Total Drama Comeback, its sequel Total Drama Battlegrounds, and Battlegrouds of Love, a series of one-shots based on crack pairings set to Total Drama Battlegrounds.

My players played through the first two chapters of Lost Mines of Phandlever a few years ago but I would like to run it again but the entire adventure this time. How could I change it so it doesn't feel exactly the same but still have the same storyline?

KOBOLD: Chapter I crack

These changes would apply to the place in chapter 3 with a bunch of goblins, as well as the rooms near the end of chapter 4 with Bugbears in them. Basically, any encounter with goblinoids should be with various kobolds instead. You might want to homebrew a kobold with actually good health or AC, though still with some downside, to replace the Hobgoblins with. Here is one I made: -kobold-scale-knight

For the redbrands, I would go with replacing the criminal organization with a cult, then play it as some of the townsfolk being converted or brainwashed into ignoring the stuff they do (or I would if I was good at roleplaying, I am dming my first campaing in LMOP and it looks like I am not very good at dropping clues). You could replace the redbrands taking tolls and bothering the merchants with them messing the shrine of tymora and several townsfolks starting to act weird as they adopt the cult values. IIt also has the benefit that, since your players already played the first two chapters and know that Trasendar Manor is the hideout, you could make it so that the Manor is restored and the current ruler of phandalin lives there, though you would probably need a map of the top half in this case. You can make it so they are part of the cult and support it in secret to explain how it got traction so fast.

You could just make the Redbrands a branch of the Zhentarim, make it so Halia is the one pulling the strings (or make it so that the before mentioned lord is in debt and uses smuggling while breaking realm laws to get money) and replace the ruffians statblocks with other CR 1/2 humanoids to throw off your players. It could be Thugs, soldiers or scouts (MM), rubbleblets stalekers (guildmaster's guide to ravnica) or Fists of Bane (Baldur Gate: Descend into Avernus). The evil mage could be replaced with the statblocks from a pirate deck wizard (Ghosts of Saltmarsh), spy (not a caster but a rogue criminal), thought spy (psionic from guildmaster guide to revnica) and they could be said noble. It would be unconnected to the main LMOP plot and the lead in to investigat would be either townguars cracking down due to the noble opressing the town with taxes or them finding clues regarding either slave or drug trade in Phandalin.

Alternatively, make them more connected to the Black Spider. Drow scouts from out of the Abyss are CR 1/2 like the ruffians so it could be an exploration party that came from underground led by Nezzar and that they are camping at the town and overstayed their welcome. For a more intrigue focused campaing, Changelings from Eberron: Rising from the last war are also CR 1/2 and introduce the players to the concept of shapeshifters (since you said they played the first two chapters they should have fought the doppelgangers). Then there would be nothing that points to them being in town save for people who start acting weird as they are replaced by shapeshifters who slowly take control of the area.

Then the Ibur Gang caught up with them. The gang, unaware of what was going on, mistakenly believed that Massea had been captured by Jabir and charged at the Philosopher's Stone attacking it and cracking it open. Adol also attacked the Philosopher's Stone, encouraged by Terra, who said he would regret it if he did not do it now.

Killian is, along with Carey and Boyland, part of the team of Regulators sent to the Floating Lab to arrest Lucas Miller for his misuse of confidential information in regards to the Philosopher's Stone. Killian is ultimately forced to evacuate from the compound when a crack appears in the helmet of her protective Null Suit.

"I am exactly as old as Heleval," said the girl. "And that is morehundreds of thousands of years than you or I could ever count. I amolder than any of the fishes or birds or beasts; far older than men orfairies. Look at that," and the Oread swept her arm over the glorious[Pg 107]prospect around her; the two great wings of the Isle of Mist stretchedfar out into the sea, the Atlantic throbbing and sparkling under theblue sky, and across the loch the jagged gray range of the Cuchullins,peak upon peak. "Isn't it all beautiful? We came into being together.Heleval was a giant in those days, a king among other kings; and therewas no sea there, and the Cuchullin Hills stood right up into the sky,and twisted and bubbled while the Earth cooled and cracked, and mysisters of the Fire came out of the cracks and taught us mountainspirits the fire dance, and we danced it all night on the great peakstill the stars reeled to watch us. And then the fiery summits cooledand sank down, and my sisters of the Fire sank with them, and a mightyriver went foaming out down the valley yonder to a distant sea; andevery evening my sisters the Naiads came floating up in a circle withgarlands of green on their hair, and they taught us mountain spiritsthe water dance, and we danced it all night on the moonlit water,while[Pg 108] the Ocean crept nearer and nearer to gaze. And then the seacame up, and the river carved Heleval out as you see it, and shrankaway, and my sisters the Naiads shrank away with it; and the islandwas covered with great forests, and my sisters the Hamadryads came outof the tree-trunks and taught us mountain spirits the tree dance, andwe danced it all night in the forest glades, till one night men saw;and men felled the forests to capture my sisters of the trees andenslave them, but they vanished as the trees vanished. And to-day onlythe hills are left, and we, the Oreads, a people few and fading away;and we no longer dance, for we have lost all our sisters, and we nolonger have hearts."

The owner of the hand at once stepped forward into the ring. He seemedto be the most singular being in Fairyland. Fiona's first impressionwas that he was just a large bald head, the color of parchment andwrinkled all over; and this impression remained, even when[Pg 156] sherealized that he did possess a small body, with the usual allowance ofarms and legs. Out of his great head looked a pair of quiteincongruous eyes, bright as beads, and full of happy drollery. Behindhim came a couple of stout goblins, each laden with dusty law books.They piled the books up in a stack on the ground, and the singularcreature with the head proceeded to climb to the top of the stack,where he sat down, cracking his fingers and laughing hugely at somejest of his own, evidently on the best of terms both with himself andhis audience. Then he caught Fiona's eye, and deliberately winked ather; but somehow it carried no offence, for the creature seemedabsolutely free from malice.

"When we heard you were coming," said the King, "we collected a fewlittle things for your inspection. It is so long since we had any usefor any of them that many of them seem to have developed seriousdefects, which we regret; but they are the best we could find at shortnotice. This," he pointed to an old ring, "is a common wishing ring.It used to do all the usual things. The genie attached to it hasunfortunately become very deaf with age; but if you can make him hear,we believe he is still in fair working order. This," as a frayedgirdle was held up, "is the famous[Pg 160] cestus of Aphrodite, which shelent to Helen of Troy. Its wearer used to become the most beautifuland unpopular creature in the world. It will still confer beauty,though hardly suited to the modern style; the unpopularity weguarantee. This," pointing to a huge book, "contains the truth of thatwhich in your world passes as knowledge. It would delight your father.He might publish selected chapters, and watch the critics cut them topieces. This," as a battered trumpet was exhibited, "is Fame. Yourpraises would be sung all over the world; and the world would say,'Never mind what she has achieved; tell us about her faults.' This,"and he contemplated an old iron sceptre, "is Power. You would become agreat ruler, and would probably die in exile. And under this," and hepointed to a sheet of black velvet, thrown loosely over some object,"under this is the treasure of the Isle of Mist, which I am told thatyou have heard of. Do any of these please you? If not, we haveothers."

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