GameShark is the brand name of a line of video game cheat cartridges and other products for a variety of console video game systems and Windows-based computers. Currently, the brand name is owned by Mad Catz, which marketed GameShark products for the Sony PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo game consoles. Players load cheat codes from GameShark discs or cartridges onto the console's internal or external memory, so that when the game is loaded, the selected cheats can be applied.
The PlayStation GameShark had the following standard features: View Video Image, which allowed users to see the last image stored in the PlayStation's Video RAM, View CD Image, which allowed a user to search the game CD for image files, Play Music, which would play the CD audio, and View CD Movie, a function that allowed a user to view FMV (full motion video) files found on the disc. Also included was the option to use an Enhancement CD in order to upgrade the GameShark and add new codes found on the disc.
Gameshark Video Game Enhancer Version 5 Download
Released in 1998 for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, it came preloaded with codes for 158 games. This list was revised with new games with each GameShark version/revision, as well as the ability to add your own game folders and codes. Codes were saved as a string of HEX values that represented a specific game state or attribute at a specific memory location within the game ROM. When the Game Boy attempted to execute code at said memory address, the Game Shark would overwrite it with its own modified code (Cheat Code). This allowed for everything from invincibility, extra lives, unlimited ammo, rapid fire, sprite modifications, and much more.
With a feature called Snapshot, a player could take a ROM image of the current state of the attached game cartridge. The result was the ability to restore the game state to a single previous Snapshot, a precursor of sorts to save states more commonly enjoyed in modern ROM emulation software. With the V3.1 revision, Snapshots could also be saved or downloaded from the PC via an included cable that connected to the link-cable port on the Game Boy and a PC's Printer/Parallel Port. Game Cartridges that featured a save function utilized a battery backup in order to prevent volatile-RAM from losing power when the Game Boy was switched off. However, as these batteries ran dry, the ability to save game data became impossible. The Gameshark on the other hand utilized non-volatile memory that didn't require a battery backup. So Snapshots and game codes could be stored indefinitely. A GameShark was known as a temporary workaround for saving games with a depleted battery backup. GameShark PC software allowed for the creation and management of codes on the PC, profiles, even Gameshark menu wallpapers and themes when used with a Game Boy Color. There was also a message board where players could share codes and game Snapshots with each other.
Attempting to use a GameShark with the N64 Transfer Pak would result in Pokémon Stadium claiming the inserted cartridge was corrupted. However, if the player saved the Pokémon game while GameShark cheats were enabled, they would be saved to the game cartridge permanently. Thus allowing the modifications to pass Pokémon Stadium's Game Boy cartridge check. This could lead to some unusual in-game battle animations if Pokémon were given moves they couldn't normally perform. A booklet was included with GameShark version 3.1 with over 2,000 codes to modify Pokémon games and their monsters.[6]
Fans have recently discovered that it is now possible to cheat with KotOR on Switch, and there's a rather unique method you have to use in order to make this happen. To cheat at the Switch version of KotOR, press down on the left stick three times and it will bring up a very handy cheat menu. If you can't work out how to do it, see the video below:
The Xbox, iOS and Android versions of KotOR do not support cheats in the same way as the PC, Mac and Switch editions of the game. So unless you fancy yourself as a splicer that can jailbreak their devices and tamper with the files, you probably won't get KotOR cheats running on any of those devices. You'll just have to play the game the normal way!
Ren'Py 8 is a big deal, as it's the first version of Ren'Py that supports Python 3. At the same time, it doesn't require big changes to your games. Many games run unchanged on Ren'Py 8, while others will require minor changes.
XcomUtil is an utility written by Scott T. Jones to enhance both UFO Defense and Terror From The Deep. It works with either both the DOS or the CE (Windows) version of each game. Quoting from Scott T. Jones' page: "XcomUtil is a game enhancer. It is not really an editor and it is certainly not a cheat program. The original purpose of XcomUtil was to make the game more difficult, because there was a bug in the original game that forced all games to the Beginner difficulty level, regardless of what level you chose."
Scott T. Jones worked on this software for years. On Jan 23 2007 he announced that he had passed development of XComUtil to BladeFireLight since his work prevented him from developing it anymore. The latest stable version (9.7) can be downloaded from or or here.
First, you will need to download XcomUtil from Blade FireLight's site and install it to your UFO/TFTD folder. If you want to change your options or skiped the setup during install, run XcuSetup and choose the options you want (there's an explaining list below). For more advanced options you will need to use the xcomutil command (instructions on that below). Finally, to load the game with XcomUtil fully working you will need to use the RunXcom command (or run XcomUtil\SteamSetup to configure Steam).
After you have changed the game using XcuSetUp or/and xcomutil you must use the RunXCom.bat command. If you are running the CE version on XP then you may need to install fodder's patch using XcuSetup. If you had already chosen No on that simply run XcuSetup again. For more information on this read the XcomUtil manual where the proper procedure for installing CE is explained.
This section will explain how to use XcomUtil with Enemy Unknown Extended after having downloaded the game via Steam (or getting the game legally from other source). Please understand that this will take some effort unless you have a certain skillset, you should probably read this page and the Enemy Unknown Extended and google the issue for several hours (or days) before attempting. Particularly the music modification and attempting to use TFTD maps in X-Com via XcomUtil may prove difficult. Keep in mind that the UFO Extender, used in Enemy Unknown Extended, cannot be run in DOSbox (but from a Window's command prompt), and there are also options to run via Windows or via Steam.
Although not an advertised feature, it is possible to have a primitive hotseat multiplayer game with a friend. It requires a game editor or very late game save to unlock the alien weapons (otherwise aliens wont be able to use their own weapons when it's their turn) and usage of XcomUtil's swp wrt command to switch between controlled sides when it's one another's turn. A video tutorial is available here. This can be made easier with the batch file found here. The script can be further enhanced with BB's Toolkit due to it's alien inventory screens: edit the script and add the command BBReset.exe beneath the first echo ------ >>xcomutil.log, then add the command BBReset.exe randomparameter beneath the second echo ------ >>xcomutil.log and lastly add BBReset.exe beneath :end. 2ff7e9595c