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Bs 5950 Part 2 2000.pdf
Seventh Edition The first edition of this Design Guide was published in 1985; it was revised in 1987 (2nd Edition), in 1992 (3rd Edition), in 1996 (4th Edition), in 1997 (5th edition) and in 2001 (6th edition). It is a basic working tool for users of BS 5950-1 Structural use of steelwork in building Code of practice for design Rolled and welded sections, which was first published in 1985, revised in 1990 and in 2000.
Previous Editions 1st Edition, 1985 Based on the following codes: BS 5950: Part 1: 1985, BS 4360: 1979 including Amd 1 and Amd 2. UB, UC, joists, bearing piles and channels to BS4: Part 1: 1980 including Amd 1 and 2. Structural hollow sections to BS 4848: Part 2: 1975. Angles to BS 4848: Part 4: 1972 including Amd 1 and Amd 2. Section properties calculated from imperial dimensions and then converted to metric. 2nd Edition, 1987 An update of 1st Edition including changes due to: BS 4360: 1986. UB, joists to BS4: Part 1: 1980 Amd 3. Angles to BS 4848: Part 4: 1972 Amd 3. Addendum No.1 to 2nd Edition, 1990. Section properties and member capacities for a new range of additional hollow sections. 3rd Edition, 1992 Combination of 2nd Edition and Addendum No.1. plus changes due to: BS 5950: Part 1: 1990 Including Amd 1. BS 4360: 1990 and BS EN 10025: 1990. UB, UC, joists, bearing piles and channels to BS4: Part 1: 1980 including Amd 1 to 5. Structural hollow sections to BS 4848: Part 2: 1991. Angles to BS 4848: Part 4 including Amd 1 to 3. In addition to minor corrections, the major alterations in the 3rd Edition were as follows: Section properties based on true metric dimensions instead of metric equivalent of inch dimensions. Member capacity tables for struts made of angles and channels revised due to code changes. Combined axial load and bending tables presented in a more user-friendly format with separate
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The concept of structural robustness and relevant design guidelines have been in existence in the progressive collapse literature since the 1970s following the partial collapse of the Ronan Point apartment building; however, in the more general context, research on the evaluation and enhancement of structural robustness is still relatively limited. This paper is aimed to provide a general overview of the current state of research concerning structural robustness. The focus is placed on the quantification and the associated evaluation methodologies, rather than specific measures to ensure prescriptive robustness requirements. Some associated concepts, such as redundancy and vulnerability, will be discussed and interpreted in the general context of robustness such that the corresponding methodologies can be compared quantitatively using a comparable scale. A framework methodology proposed by the authors is also introduced in line with the discussion of the literature. 2ff7e9595c